It's been a while since I've been able to update!  There hasn't been much new to report really.  Homeward America has gotten increasingly nastier, but I'm happy to say that CitiMortgage has become nice as can be.  Of course they still want paperwork, but I don't mind so much when they are pleasant about it.

I've been re-enrolled in my graduate school program, so I will start taking classes again in January.  I'm looking forward to having something to put my mind to, honestly, and hope to finish school far more quickly than I had otherwise planned.  The best laid plans, right?   But several of you have commented that my willingness to continue my education and better myself has been a key factor in your decision on whether or not to donate, so I do want you to know that I have re-enrolled for the spring.

The big deal yesterday was that a toilet upstairs leaked and collapsed part of our basement ceiling.  I called a plumber immediately (like we have money for that right!?) and he came over and found that not only was the toilet leaking but the valve in the wall was broken so we couldn't shut the toilet off.  He wanted nearly $500 to rebuild the toilet, or $700 for a new toilet, and $200 for the valve.  I wound up going for the valve and will look into having the toilet replaced at some point.  I know I can get one cheaper than $500--looking on Home Depot's website, I can get a new one for $130.  It may not be the world's greatest toilet, but who cares?  It only has to do one thing, right?

So I was talking with a friend about this and how women tend to get screwed and now that there isn't a man around, I'm going to have a more difficult time with things like this and her husband volunteered to be my stand-in negotiator.  I'm really pleased about this, since it will make these kinds of situations more manageable and hopefully I'll be less likely to be taken advantage of.

So I guess that's about it for this update.  Things are going as well as can be expected.  There are good days and bad, donations continue to trickle in and build my war chest (as my financial advisor calls it), I continue to consider the future, I continue to remember the past. 

Thank you for your support and please help continue to spread the word.

With love and gratitude,


    Susan Kosior is a widow and mother anxious to secure her daughter's future.  In her spare time, she students library science at the University of Arizona and signs with the Stafford Regional Choral Society.  She is an active member of MOPS and loves being a mom more than anything.


    December 2012
    November 2012


    Set Up